- Hits: 1355
by and with Katia Capato. Duration around 20 min
Pictures and songs of the video by K. Capato
Video, sound, music and assistant director : Joseph Scicluna
It wants to be an eulogy and a "toast" to the "Creation" and to all the forces that come together to make it possible.
It wants to be an eulogy and a "toast" to Art in all its shapes.
It wants to be an eulogy and a "toast" to the "Creation" to all in favour to Creation and the expression of its results.
“Being the creation of the world the creation par excellence, the cosmogony becomes the exemplary model for every kind of creation "Mirecea Eliade, Myth and Reality.
The performance is inspired by the ancient belief that tells how it was a good omen or rather necessary to recall the "Cosmogony", or the generation of the Universe, in important events, such as births, healings, deaths, the coronation of Kings, etc ...
Every culture had its own rite or expressive form to do it, someone through the oracular form or dance, someone through painting or through the creation of Mandala.
In BRINDISI COSMOGONICO the design, the color, the video and the sound, meet the theater and the story, meet the myth and the words of poets and painters who have been able to make us "see the world in a grain of sand, the sky in a flower of field, hold the infinity on the palm of one hand and eternity in an hour "(William Blake)
"Every new appearance - animal, plants, institution - implies the existence of a world".
Mirecea Eliade, Myth and Reality